Body & Dream - Vuong Van Thao


Body & Dream - Vuong Van Thao

Price: 205,625,000 VNĐ
Product infomation

The artist Vương Văn Thạo is known by the nickname "Thạo mông" due to his long-standing focus on the theme of "buttocks," which has left a unique mark in the art world. Currently, his work "Thân Thể và Giấc Mơ" is on display at Tanmy Design in Hanoi. He chooses "buttocks" as a motif in his creations to express the beauty of the female body, a theme he finds both sensual and minimalist. Despite societal changes in perspective, he continues to explore the beauty of women in modern life. His works not only celebrate physical beauty but also evoke stories and messages about life. Vương Văn Thạo employs various materials, from watercolor on traditional Dó paper to oil painting and bronze sculpture. He believes each material offers its own effects and sensations, enriching his artworks and making them fresh and diverse

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