The girl lacquer painting


The girl lacquer painting

Price: 125,000,000 VNĐ
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Product infomation

Cong Quoc Ha is one of the most active and famous Vietnamese lacquer painters. He is "famous for his elegant female figures". He belongs to a group of painters who have revived the traditional Vietnamese lacquer painting art and given it a modern face around the world.


-1978: Metropolitan Fine Arts Exhibition, Hanoi Fine Arts Association.
-1983: Print graphic art books, Ministry of Culture.
-1985: Illustration graphic art exhibition, Van Van Magazine and Vietnam Fine Arts Association.
-1995: Metropolitan Fine Arts Exhibition, Hanoi Fine Arts Association.
-1996: Young Artists Exhibition I, Swedish Cultural and Art Exhibition Fund of Sweden, Hanoi area, Vietnam Association of Arts and Literature.

-2000: Medal for the cause of Vietnamese culture and fine arts
-2003: Medal for the cause of Vietnamese fine arts

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